Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre EASTC Courses Offered 2023/2024

Filed in Education by on January 10, 2024 0 Comments

Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre EASTC Courses Offered, Kozi Zinazotolewa chuo cha Takwimu:

 The Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre (EASTC) as a professional organization has its “regional origins” from its inception in 1961. According to the archive at the Centre, the Second Conference of African Statisticians in Tunis (TUNISIA) in July 1961 noted that it “was necessary to establish a number of training centres to provide theoretical and particular courses” in Africa to respond to the increased demand for statistical services, given the acute shortage of both middle-grade and professional statisticians.

The Conference also observed that teaching professional statisticians is a highly specialized activity that can only be accomplished by well-established universities.

Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre EASTC Courses Offered 2022/2023 | Kozi Zinazotolewa chuo cha Takwimu

Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre EASTC Courses Offered 2023/2024

If you are looking forward applying for admission into Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre, then you must first stay updated on the list of all Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre EASTC Courses Offered. Read on to find all courses offered at this institution with coverage on degree, deploma, certificates and post graduates course offered.

  1. Bachelor Degree in Official Statistics

Bachelor Degree in Official Statistics is one of the Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre EASTC Courses Offered with high number of admission. This NACTE-accredited program provides students with knowledge, values, and analytical skills, as well as practical experience as entry-level Official Statisticians who handle socioeconomic statistics, conduct statistical inquiries by designing, planning, and executing sample surveys and censuses, and can collaborate with specialists in other fields. The curriculum equips graduates with the knowledge and skills needed to pursue postgraduate study.

  1. Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Statistics and Economics

Agricultural sectors are now demanding statistical data. Because of the precision and quality of data, this requirement necessitates a professional response in terms of creating agricultural statistics sufficient for supporting statistically informed decision-making processes and establishing policies and programs that are practical and successful.

Furthermore, the agriculture sector continues to play an important role in the economies of EASTC member countries in terms of production, trade, investment, and finance, necessitating the need to broaden the knowledge of Bachelor Degree graduates with economic know-how in order to respond effectively to the sector’s needs.

  1. Bachelor of Degree in Data Science

The Data Science program fills gaps in data science by solving challenges that standard statistical approaches fail to handle. It teaches you how to handle, manipulate, retrieve, and understand information from “Big Data,” whether structured or unstructured. New data sources have just appeared. These are real-time and immediate data that may be gathered from many sources, such as the web, social media, e-commerce, satellite photos, and credit card transactions, culminating in Big Data.

  1. Bachelor Degree in Business Statistics and Economics

The business sector is a major engine of the world’s economies, and economic diversification and resilience need quick, accurate, and dependable data. As a result of the requirement for results-based planning and management at all levels of the economy, the demand for statistics-oriented information has been increasing over time.

Firm statistics comprises components of math, management, and market research that contribute in the decision-making process inside a business to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Statistics are also employed in a variety of corporate applications, including budgeting, tax preparation, bids, and data mining.

  1. Diploma in Statistics (NTA Level 5)

This Diploma is designed for mid-level supervisory level personnel and prepares graduates to supervise field work, handle low level social and economic statistics, carry out field (research) activities, implement field activities related to censuses, and collaborate with specialists from various fields. In addition, the Diploma gives skills and certifications for first-year university study.

  1. Basic Technician Certificate in Statistics (NTA Level 4)

This program trains low-level statistical employees to assist in the handling of socioeconomic statistical difficulties, such as data collecting and processing, as well as working with statistics specialists. The programme prepares students for Ordinary Diploma studies in Tanzania and other worldwide higher learning institutions with equal prerequisites.

In addition to degree and diploma courses Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre EASTC also provide Postgraduate Programmes to their students. Currently the institution offers only two postgraduates programme which are Masters of Official Statistics and Masters of Science in Agricultrual Statistics.


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